Gemp Project Logo Gemp

 Gemp is a website created as a final project for Web Programming Curricular Unit.
The idea of this project was to create a website that would serve to minimally manage a company, add and view the members and projects of a given company. This website also contains an admin part, where you are selected during registration (which doesn't make sense if it were for public use), and where admins have access to the database that the website is based on.

 Was used MAMP as Local Database and HTML, CSS, PHP and JS as technologies.

Houdina Project Logo Houdina

 Houdina is an application created as a final project for the Mobile Device Programming.
The idea of this project was to create an application that served the purposes of a given company (Houdina). The company consists of car rental and sales, where the regular customer/user can schedule a purchase or rental of a car present at the company of their choice.

 Was used Firebase as online Database and Flutter and Android Studio as technologies.

BHSchool Project Logo Beauty and Hairdressing School

 BHSchool is a website created as a final project for Distributed Systems Unit.
The idea of the project was to create a website related to the management of a beauty and hairdressing school. The website has a session management system which allows only users corresponding to the login to access the pages that correspond only to them. Passwords are inserted using SHA2-256, and login verification is done using this hash value.

 The administrator page allows you to control all user and course data.
 The teacher's page allows you to view the students who are or have already been part of the school and allows you to assign grades to students.
 The student's page only allows you to view the professor who teaches and the classmates on the course they are on.
 Both the student and teacher pages allow changing the password and location.

 Was used MySQL as Local Database, Spring as Framework and Java as technologie.

Wordle Project Logo Wordle

 Wordle is an application created as a final project for Human Computer Interaction.
The idea of this project was to replicate the original Wordle, where the player will have a given number of attempts to guess a word depending on the difficulty.

 A file was used as a local Database and JavaFX as technologie.